Finding and Managing Anomalies: Case Study on RailSem19 Dataset↗
The Power of Dot Product and Vector Projections↗
Comprehending the dot product and the essence of vector projections is an essential subject in various fields. Its applications span across machine learning, signal processing, image processing, physics, business and more. In this article, we will try to simply explain Dot Product and vector projections through clear explanations and informative examples.
Log Transformations and their Implications for Linear Regression↗
To satisfy the normality assumption of a linear regression model, engineers often carry out arbitrary conversions. Although in some cases such transformations may be unnecessary at other they can have a positive impact on model performance.
Service Workers in JavaScript↗
What is Service Worker? The service worker life cycle and how to set up and use one!
Web Workers in Javascript↗
Web workers are giving us the possibility to write multi-threaded Javascript, which does not block the DOM. Even the Asynchronous operations block the DOM to some extent. On the other side, web workers help us solve this problem, escaping the single-threaded environment and reaching a higher performance of our web pages.
Service Worker | How to create custom offline page ?↗
Service Workers allow to intercept the network requests and decide what to load (fetch). This feature can be used to load a custom cached offline page when the users lose connectivity, which can improve their browsing experience.
PImpl Idiom in C++ with Examples↗
The PImpl Idiom (Pointer to IMPLementation) is a technique used for separating implementation from the interface. It minimizes header exposure and helps programmers to reduce build dependencies by moving the private data members in a separate class and accessing them through an opaque pointer.